What Causes Warts on the Face?
What Causes Warts On The Face?
Warts are small clusters of abnormal skin cell growth surrounded by dead cells. Several types of warts exist but each is caused by a specific strain of the human papilloma virus (HPV). There are roughly over 100 different strains of HPV, from the kind that causes genital warts (primarily types 6 and 11) to those that cause common warts (types 1, 2 and 3). All HPV strains (and thus warts) spread mainly through person-to-person contact, although it is possible to spread via floors, towels and other shared objects. While warts are not very contagious, the delicate skin of infants or adult skin damaged by razor nicks, dry weather or scrapes is susceptible to transmission.
Most facial warts go away on their own in a matter of weeks. However, persistent or serious cases can be treated with salicylic acid, freezing, laser and infrared treatments, topical creams (featuring anti-viral compounds like formalin, bleomycin, interferon-α2b and imiquimod) and, in rare occasions, surgical excision.
Flat Wart
Known in medical jargon as "Verruca plana," the flat wart is usually only one to two millimeters in diameter but likely to occur in relatively large numbers within the afflicted area.
Caused by HPV 3,10, 28 and 49, flat warts tend to be painless and skin colored, although pink, yellow and brown are possible.
However, due to their tendency to appear in clusters (in the most extreme cases, upwards of 100), flat warts can become conspicuous and a source of painful embarrassment for patients. Luckily, flat warts respond well to salicylic acid and laser treatments. Unfortunately, they also spread easily, which can frustrate treatment.
Filiform Wart
Especially prominent on the eyelids and lips, filiform warts are long, narrow, thread-like growths. Despite their distinctive shape, filiform warts are actually caused by the same strains of HPV that cause the common wart (1, 2 and 3). Unlike flat warts, filiform warts tend to occur one at a time and, due to their shape, treatment is often as simple as paring (i.e. cutting the wart off at its base). If the wart is on or near the eyelid, the treatment will stop there. If not, electrocauterizing the underlying tissue or applying a topical anti-viral cream may follow.
Dangerous Non-Wart: Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Although caused by HPV 38, 41 and 48, cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is not a wart but a malignant tumor. Accounting for 20 percent of all skin cancer cases, SCC is commonly found on the skin of persons in middle age or older who had extensive UV exposure during their younger years. While it does not metastasize as quickly as skin cancers like melanoma, a suspected SCC should be treated as soon as possible
Dangerous Non-Wart: Keratoacanthoma
Thought by dermatologists to be a less-aggressive variant of squamous cell carcinoma, keratoacanthoma is associated with HPV 77 and marked by large, volanco-like lesions.
Warning On SCC and Other Non-Wart Growths
This article is intended to raise consciousness, not as a definitive guide. Only a dermatologist can properly diagnose and treat any facial growth, wart or otherwise!