How to Identify a Wart and Get Rid of Warts Naturally
Things You'll Need
- banana peel
- warts
- tweezer
It is important to recognize warts before you start treating them.Warts are little lumps with multiple lumps, almost like the texture of cauliflower. Warts are typically found on fingers, hands, feet, toes and elbows but can be found anywhere on the body.
If you suspect something else, you should seek medical advice from a dermatologist for other skin disorders or skin problems.
Banana peel therapy is really simple and easy to do at home. Simply apply the inside of a banana peel over the wart over the course of a week.Each day rub the wart with a nail file or pumice stone then wash with soap and water and blot with rubbing alcohol. When the wart is dry, cover with a new piece of banana peel. Repeat these steps every day for a week. The banana peel should stay on all day every day. You will notice the skin getting really soft just like a wet band-aid would do.
Warts have roots like trees. They actually go further into the skin than you see. After a week's treatment, you may have to pull out the wart by the roots with a sterilized tweezer or needle. Then throw out the tweezer or needle to avoid spreading the wart virus. Do this while the skin is soft from the banana peel. Clean with rubbing alcohol and wrap with gauze to keep germs out.
I'm sure you've heard your grandma say, "put that frog down or you'll get warts!" That's just an old wives tale, you didn't get warts from frogs or toads. Warts are a virus and they are contagious. To avoid warts in the future, never share towels, wear flip flops in the shower at the gym and wash your hands frequently.