Home Remedies for Wart Removal
Duct Tape
Easily the most famous of the home remedies for wart removal, using duct tape is also one of the easiest. Simply cut a piece of duct tape to fit over the wart. Change it daily. If the wart is someplace visible, you can hide the duct tape with a bandage. This takes up to a month to remove the wart.
Crush a clove of garlic into a paste. Apply this to the wart. Cover with a bandage. Reapply daily until the wart is gone. This home remedy for wart removal will take a few weeks to work.
A Soaked Cotton Ball
Soak a cotton ball in either apple cider vinegar or lime juice. Place over the wart and hold in place with a bandage. Change daily. This should remove the wart in one to two weeks.
Camphor Oil
Another home remedy for wart removal is coating the wart with camphor oil several times a day. This method get rid of the wart within a week.
Tea Tree Oil
Apply tea tree oil to the wart a few times a day. Tea tree oil also takes about a week to remove the wart.