Facts on Swollen Fingers
Swelling in any part of the body is the result of fluid buildup in a particular region. The fingers are an often overworked area of the body and therefore are particularly susceptible to swelling. Occasional swelling of the fingers and hands from overuse is common and can often be managed with care at home.-
Swelling in the fingers may be from arthritis of any variety, overuse, carpal tunnel syndrome, trauma, injury, medication, poor nutrition, major organ failure, chronic diseases that cause generalized swelling, infection or other diseases that impact the joints of the fingers.
Swelling in the fingers can result in pain, redness, sensitivity to touch, stiffness and may inhibit the function and flexibility of the fingers.
Consult a physician if you have developed unexplained swelling of the fingers as swelling can be a sign of a serious underlying condition of the kidney, thyroid, liver or heart.
Swelling of the fingers can be improved by elevating the hands, reducing salt in the diet, maintaining some level of activity and addressing any underlying medical conditions present.
Reducing repetitive motions, practicing hand-strengthening exercises, keeping the hands warm and taking anti-inflammatory medications can all reduce the severity of swollen fingers.