About Rectal Bleeding and Genital Warts
Large amounts of light or dark red blood mixed with blood clots is an indication that moderate rectal bleeding is occurring. If in addition to passing large amounts of blood several bowel movements occur, severe rectal bleeding may be in effect. Nonetheless, whether moderate or severe, if you or someone you know is experiencing either one of these symptoms, an expedited visit to the doctor's office is recommended
There are several different causes that might induce rectal bleeding; some are common, and others are quite rare. Hemorrhoids (external or internal) are among the common causes; in addition to bleeding, burning and painful uneasiness are associated with this condition. Itching in the anus accompanies external hemorrhoids along with visible swelling and some pain, while pain is usually not an issue with internal hemorrhoids. Infection or bacteria causing infections such as Salmonella, Escherichia coli (or E-coli), Shigella and others can play a role in rectal bleeding. Other symptoms that might stem from this source are fever, abdominal pain and blood-filled diarrhea. Steady or vigorous vomiting can cause the stomach or esophagus lining vessels to slit or come apart (also know, as Mallory-Weiss tears), which will also induce rectal bleeding. Other possible causes of bleeding are diverticulitis, colon cancer, Crohn's disease and many others.
Genital warts may present themselves in various ways. Some may appear flat, bumpy or small, while others may look and feel like cauliflower or are flesh colored. Unlike other types of skin irritations, no matter which form they appear, genital warts should be taken seriously. If warts are found on the female body, they will likely be seen on the cervix, vagina or vulva. Men will notice them near the anus, on the penis or between the penis and the scrotum.
Because genital warts are a human papillomavirus or HPV, they are usually transmitted sexually (there are exceptions, e.g., children born to parents with the virus in their blood). Although the warts themselves can be removed, the virus itself cannot; therefore, careful consideration and caution should be taken before sexual intercourse. If you notice any unusual genital growths, you should contact your physician, as genital warts in both men and women can be cancerous.
As previously mentioned, to avoid the potential of incurring genital warts, use protection. However, if you find out that you've been infected, here are some steps you can take to get rid of the warts. It not advisable to treat yourself; there are medications that can be prescribed to eradicate the warts. A few other options are freezing, burning or having them removed surgically. If you choose the last, it will take place in the doctor's office under a local anesthetic.