How to Diagnose Anal Warts
Anal warts are warts that grow in the anal area. They are also known as genital warts because they grow not only in the anus, but in the vagina, labia, **** or scrotum. Caused by the human papilloma virus, (HPV,) they are usually transmitted through sexual contact. Anal warts are treatable, but the first step is an accurate diagnosis.Instructions
Give yourself a self examination if you believe that you are at risk for developing genital warts. You can come into contact with HPV and not develop warts for many years, so if you have ever had unprotected sex, anal sex or otherwise, it is a good idea to check yourself regularly for wart development. Explore all possible genital areas with your fingertips feeling for hard bumps or growths.
Check any abnormal finding with a small mirror to determine whether the growth might be a genital wart. Most times, when you can see the protuberance visually, you will find that it is a mole, ingrown hair, pimple or other benign growth. See a doctor for proper diagnosis for any findings that cause concern.
Watch abnormal growths which are not easily diagnosed as warts for a few days or even a week. If they do not improve, get smaller or disappear it is a good idea to have them checked by a doctor for proper diagnosis. If a growth gets larger or more appear, see a doctor as soon as possible.
Observe abnormal growths carefully. If the growth appears to have a cauliflower texture, is white or slightly lighter than the skin, is grouped together with other similar growths or seems to "hang" a bit, not unlike a textured skin tag, see a doctor as soon as possible for an official diagnosis.