How to Remove Warts
Apply apple cider vinegar to the wart and cover it with an occlusive dressing every night before you go to bed. It'll take about 2 weeks for the wart to disappear.
Place a piece of duct tape over your wart and leave it in place for 1 week. When you remove the tape, the wart should be gone. Some people have had success by covering the wart with clear nail polish before covering it with the duct tape.
Moisten a piece of inner bark from a willow tree and tape it in place over your wart. Change it every day for 1 week or until the wart dissolves. Salicylic acid is an approved treatment for wart removal and the source for this substance is the bark of a willow tree.
Find plants or fruit that contain the proteolytic enzyme, which is supposed to digest and dissolve the wart. Papaya, pineapple, banana, figs and milkweed are some of the sources for the enzyme, and many of the folk remedies include the milky liquid that comes from them. Use the inner peeling of the banana and the white liquid from the fig and its stem. The milkweed speaks for itself. As with most of the other wart removal treatments, apply it several times a day for 1 or 2 weeks.
Rub the oil of yellow cedar on your wart every morning and night for 2 weeks. The yellow cedar contains antiviral compounds, which may be one reason it's worth a try.
Pick some dandelions from the yard. People have used the milky sap for years as a wart removal ointment.