How to Use Duct Tape to Treat Plantar Warts
Things You'll Need
- Towel
- Duct tape
- Soap and water
- Scissors
- Salicylic plaster pieces
Use Duct Tape to Treat Plantar Warts
Be sure your warts are only in one area. Since they are contagious, they spread easily. The duct tape form of treatment requires that the infected area of the foot be sectioned off. It is only recommended that one area of the foot suffering from plantar warts be duct taped at a time.
Purchase a package of salicylic acid plaster pieces from a local pharmacy. Be prepared to special order them, because they are not always in stock.
Cut plaster piece to the size and shape of your infected area and peel off the backing.
Press the plaster piece onto the plantar wart. Make sure you apply the sticky side onto the wart.
Apply duct tape across the foot and around the plaster piece, then secure it in place.
Use a large piece of tape so that you cover the section of the foot completely. Wrap the duct tape around your foot a few times for security, because the duct tape must remain on the foot for at least 5 to 7 days.
Remove the duct tape and plaster after 5 to 7 days and soak the foot in warm water while rubbing off the dead skin. Clean the foot, then dry it. Repeat the process of taping your foot until the plantar wart has disappeared and the skin has healed completely.