How to Use OTC Medications to Treat Warts
Things You'll Need
- Towel
- Physician or dermatologist
- Wart removal freeze kit
- Salicylic acid drops or medicated patches
- Antibacterial soap and water
Use OTC Medications to Treat Warts
Determine your time frame for removal of warts. If the warts are causing you embarrassment or are spreading and you need to remove them quickly, you may be better off making an appointment with your physician or dermatologist. If they are virtually unnoticeable and you feel you do not require prescribed medication, you have a variety of options to choose from in OTC remedies.
Purchase salicylic acid drops or medicated patches. Be sure that they contain at least 40 percent salicylic acid for best results.
Purchase a wart freeze kit. With these kits, liquid nitrogen is dipped and covered on an applicator, allowing the wart to be frozen. Eventually, the wart will scab and fall off.
Wash the infected area with antibacterial soap and water and then dry thoroughly with a towel before starting either treatment.
Follow carefully the instructions that come with either of the OTC medications that you purchased. The medicated patches must be removed daily and reapplied for maximum effectiveness. The freeze kits come with multiple applicators in case stubborn growths persist.