How to Get Rid of Plantar Warts Naturally
Things You'll Need
- Bandages
- Potato
- Aloe vera
- Duct tape
- Castor oil
- Baking soda
- Vitamin C
- Foods with sulfur-containing amino acids
- Essential oil mixes
Slice the end off of a potato and rub it on the wart(s). Wrap the potato up and put it in the refrigerator, and apply a bandage to your wart. Do the same each day (slicing the end off as before) until it disappears. Usually this takes less than a week!
Apply aloe vera to your plantar wart and cover it with a bandage. Do this at least once a day until it disappears, usually within a week or two. It is thought to be the malic acid in the aloe vera that burns away the wart, and it is recommended that you smear the skin around the wart with petroleum jelly to keep it off of the healthy skin.
Clean and dry the area around the wart thoroughly. Place duct tape over it, making sure it is completely sealed off. Leave the tape on for a week, or change as needed. Buff with a pumice stone when the tape is off, and with luck the plantar wart will be gone within two weeks. This treatment is actually tested and found to work, according to an article in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine.
Mix a thick paste of Castor oil and baking soda, applying to wart twice a day. Cover with a bandage after applying paste. This usually takes approximately two weeks.
Eat citrus fruits, eggs, garlic and onions. Eating any foods with sulfur-containing amino acids will aid in it's removal.
Grind up vitamin C tablets and mix with water into a paste. Apply this to the plantar wart, being careful to avoid healthy skin and bandage. The citric acid has been shown to dissolve the wart, but may damage the surrounding skin, so use petroleum jelly on the skin around the wart for this treatment also.
Look in health food stores for essential oil mixtures aimed specifically at wart removal. You can find them online if your local stores don't carry them.