How to Remove a Mole Naturally
Things You'll Need
- Cider vinegar
- Garlic
- Cotton swabs
- Fig stems
- Blender
- Castor oil
- Cauliflower
- Bandage
- Pineapple
- Honey
Observe the size and color of your moles. Visit a dermatologist or a surgeon to inquire whether the moles need surgical treatment. If yes, get them removed professionally. If no, take steps to remove them naturally.
Prepare a list of items useful in removing moles naturally. Cauliflowers, garlic, pineapple, castor oil, honey, fig stems and hot water with vinegar are considered effective in mole removal. Select only one from the mentioned items.
Prepare cauliflower juice in a blender. Rub the juice on your moles daily until the skin peels off naturally.
Grind a few pieces of garlic into a paste. Apply the paste on your moles and cover it with a bandage. Do this at night and remove the bandage next morning.
Make fresh pineapple juice daily. Apply the juice to the moles until they weaken and disappear.
Rub castor oil on the moles gently for few days until they gradually weaken and disappear.
Apply honey on the moles daily.
Wash the moles with hot water five to six times a day. Let your skin dry, then apply cider vinegar to your moles with cotton swabs. Let it sit for 10 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
Make juice from fig stems (if you can find any in your area) and apply it daily to the moles until they vanish.