What to Know About White Phosphorus Bombs
White phosphorus (WP) is an allotrope of the chemical element phosphorus. Under normal conditions, it is a soft, white, waxy solid. WP is not flammable in its solid form, but when heated in air, it ignites and burns with an intense white light. WP produces dense smoke that hampers visibility.
WP bombs
WP bombs are used to create obscuring smoke screens and to illuminate targets for night operations. They also have incendiary effects and are used to destroy enemy equipment and structures. WP bombs are highly effective but indiscriminant. They can cause severe burns and injuries to anyone in the affected area, including civilians.
WP is typically used in incendiary bombs or artillery shells, which can release large amounts of WP into the air upon detonation. When WP is burned in the presence of oxygen, it can produce a dense, white smoke and flames that can reach temperatures of up to 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit (982 degrees Celsius). This heat and smoke can cause severe burns and respiratory problems, and the particles of white phosphorus can also ignite other flammable materials, leading to further fires.
Usage in Warfare
WP bombs are considered a chemical weapon under the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). The CWC bans the use of chemical weapons, including WP bombs, in all situations except for defensive purposes. However, WP bombs have still been used in conflicts since the CWC was adopted in 1993.
In 2004, the United States used WP bombs in Fallujah, Iraq. The use of WP bombs in Fallujah was controversial and caused significant civilian casualties. The US military defended its use of WP bombs in Fallujah, claiming that they were necessary to protect American troops.
Environmental and Health Effects
In addition to the immediate harm they cause to humans, white phosphorus bombs can have long-lasting consequences on the environment and health of people who live in areas where they are used. White phosphorus can contaminate soil and water, and can persist in the environment for many years. It can also cause long-term health problems, including cancer and birth defects.
Calls for Ban
Concerns over their indiscriminate and harmful effects have prompted calls for the international community to ban WP bombs completely. The US and some other countries have resisted calls for a ban, arguing that WP bombs are a legitimate military tool.
Overall, white phosphorus bombs are a dangerous and controversial weapon that has caused widespread harm and long-term consequences for health and the environment. There is an ongoing need for international cooperation and action to address their use and work towards their elimination.