Quick Wart Removal

Many wart removal methods, especially those done at home, take weeks or months to completely get rid of the skin growth. Several methods work more quickly, although they must be done by a physician. They can be expensive, although your insurance might cover the treatment and you won't have to wait for the unsightly growth on your hands, fingers or feet to finally go away.
  1. Surgery

    • A wart can be removed quickly with minor surgery. The doctor can either cut it away or use an electric needle to destroy it, according to the Mayo Clinic. This removes it instantly, although it can sometimes leave a scar. The surgery itself is painless because the doctor uses anesthetic, but the Mayo Clinic warns that the numbing shot may hurt initially before the drug takes effect.

    Laser Treatment

    • Laser treatment with a CO2 laser eliminates a wart quickly, but the Mayo Clinic says it is normally only used for stubborn growths. It is very expensive compared to other treatments and may leave a scar. The American Osteopathic College of Dermatology (AOCD) says a newer type of laser, called a pulse dye laser, causes less scarring but may need to be used for up to three treatments.


    • Cryotherapy, which the Mayo Clinic says involves killing the wart by freezing it, is not as fast as some other methods but it is quicker than over-the-counter remedies. A blister develops around and under the wart when the doctor applies liquid nitrogen. It can take up to a week for the dead tissue to fall off, leaving clear skin where the wart used to be located. The AOCD says freezing removes 50 percent of warts with one treatment.

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