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How to Get Rid of a Virus for Plantar Warts
Plantar warts are caused by the human papillomavirus that enters via cuts in the skin. While they are not inherently dangerous to the individual, the virus is contagious and warts can cause great embarrassment. To completely kill and remove the virus, the black core of the wart must be removed. Before seeing a doctor for special removal, try a cheaper and just-as-effective at home treatment outlined in this guide.Things You'll Need
- Apple cider vinegar
- Cotton balls
- Athletic tape
- Pumice scraper
Thoroughly clean and dry the area surrounding the plantar wart.
Brush the area with a pumice scraper to remove any dead skin.
Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar.
Place the cotton ball over the wart.
Tape the cotton ball in place with athletic tape. Leave it on over night. Replace the cotton ball in the morning and wear it throughout the day.
Repeat until the wart is completely worn away. Use sterilized tweezers to pick out the black core of the wart completely if it has not been totally removed by the vinegar. The black core is a blood clot within the wart formed by the virus, giving the wart a dark, discolored appearance.