Homemade Wart Remedy
Dandelions and Toothpaste
Take an inch or two of the stem of a dandelion plant and force the white sap out of it. Keep aside. File your wart slightly with a nail file and then apply the dandelion sap on it. Leave undisturbed for no less than two hours. Follow this schedule for a few days till your wart disappears. Another homemade wart remedy is the use of any toothpaste on the wart. After application of the paste, preferably before bedtime, cover the wart with a band aid or sticking plaster and leave undisturbed till the morning. Follow this routine every night till your wart gets removed.
Bananas and Potatoes
A couple of the most effective home cures for warts involve bananas and potatoes. For the fruit remedy, peel the banana and keep the peel aside. Cut out a peel piece large enough to cover your wart. Now use a sticking plaster to tape the piece over your wart. Remove the banana peel only when it becomes brown and soggy. Clean the wart area properly and follow this procedure once every week till the wart slowly becomes soft and disappears. You also could take a fresh slice of potato, smash it to squeeze out the juice and apply directly on the wart. Leave undisturbed for no less than 15 minutes, two times every day, till your wart disappears.
Aloe Vera and Garlic
Warts can be easily and naturally removed with extract from the aloe vera plant. Break a leaf of the plant to squeeze out the gel and apply directly on the wart area, no less than twice or thrice daily for about a month or so until the wart disappears. You also could take a couple of garlic cloves, smash them and place the mass on the wart twice to thrice each day for a month. Use a sticking plaster or any other adhesive band to hold the garlic in place, preferably overnight.
Ash and Vinegar
Apply cigarette ash directly on your wart and leave undisturbed for about 60 minutes each day for two weeks or so until the wart is removed. Another wart removal remedy involves apple cider vinegar. Before bedtime, take some cotton wool, soak it in vinegar, rub slightly on the wart and cover the area with medical gauze and sticking plaster. Leave undisturbed overnight and wash the area in the morning. Follow this routine for a few weeks till your wart disappears for good.