| | Conditions Treatments | Warts
Injection Treatment for Plantar Warts
If your plantar warts are bothering you, your doctor may recommend injecting them with Bleomycin (Blenoxane.) This medication will kill the virus.
The Mayo Clinic advises that the injections can be painful.
Cancer Medication
According to Drugs.com, Bleomycin is a cancer medication that interferes with cancer cells' growth, slowing the spread and growth of cancer, but it can also be used for off-label purposes, such as treatment for plantar warts.
Side Effects
Side effects of this medicine include sudden chest pain, dry couch, wheezing, fever or chills.
Avoid If ...
Do not get injections of Bleomycin if you are breast-feeding, are pregnant, have circulation problems, a breathing disorder or liver- or kidney disease.