The Removal of Flat Warts
There are several different kinds of warts. Flat warts usually occur on the face or forehead and are most common among children and teens.
Flat warts can be caused by a number of different viruses and usually appear along scratches. They are flat-topped and yellow brown in color. They offer no symptoms of discomfort.
Flat warts are often difficult to remove. Treatment dictates that a cream called tretinoin be applied daily, possibly with a treatment of benzoyle peroxide. This should create an irritant which will cause the wart to peel away.
In addition to the fact that flat warts are often resistant to treatment, spreading is also an issue. Because warts are caused by a virus, they can spread and grow. If a wart is removed, it is possible that it will grow back in the same place.
Warts can be prevented by avoiding contact with a wart on another person. If using an instrument such as a file on a wart, be sure to wash the file so that it is not contaminated; wash your hands after touching a wart.