How to Freeze Flat Warts on the Chin

Warts are a viruses that are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). They are usually harmless and painless. However, they can occasionally hurt or itch. Many warts go away on their own but can take a very long time to do so. So if you are bothered by a wart, it is necessary to remove it. There is a type of freezing method to remove the warts called cryosurgery. You will need to visit a doctor to have the procedure done. Freezing the wart does not harm the skin surrounding the wart, which is why many people choose to this procedure over other surgical procedures. There is little to no scarring, and the healing time is minimal.

Things You'll Need

  • 17 percent salicylic acid gel
  • 40 percent salicylic acid pad
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      Prepare for the cryosurgery on your own at home. Clean the wart using soap and water. Then apply 17 percent salicylic acid gel on the wart. The gel is available at your local pharmacy.

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      Cover the wart with a piece of 40 percent salicylic acid pad. Leave the pad on for 24 hours. If the area becomes irritated, stop using the gel and pad and call your doctor. Just like the gel, you can purchase the salicylic acid pad at your local pharmacy.

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      Repeat this process every night for two weeks.

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      Removing the wart on your chin will now be much easier for the doctor. Your doctor will apply liquid nitrogen using a spray or cotton swab to remove the whitish scab that is the result of the salicylic acid. Then he will proceed to freezing the base of the root of the wart. The freezing process will feel like an ice cube is stuck to your skin. This may turn into a burning sensation after your skin thaws out.

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      Leave the wart alone after you have had the freezing treatment. A blister will be left behind as a result of the procedure, and if left alone it will dry up and fall off on its own. Once the blister has fallen off, it will leave behind new, healthy skin.

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