Wart Removal That Works
Salicylic Acid
Salicylic acid is found in the majority of the wart removal kits sold at any pharmacy. These are typically applied as a liquid or a patch and must be applied every day.
Duct Tape
Although it may sound silly, putting duct tape over your wart can actually be more effective than freezing warts. Duct tape is also a very inexpensive way to remove warts. An immune response is triggered by the duct tape, according to warts.org. The process of removal may take a couple of months.
Cryotherapy is usually the measure to take after you have tried over-the-counter formulas. Doctors use this method to freeze the warts and kill the virus.
This treatment is also called the beetle juice wart treatment. Toxic compounds are taken from certain species of blister beetle and diluted to make an effective wart removal method.
Laser Surgery
Wart removal by laser surgery is a removal method for those who want their warts gone in a hurry. This is also a good option if your warts are not going away with other treatments or are getting larger.