What Are the Causes of Eye Warts?
Eye warts that are caused by HPV are either digitate (horn or finger-shaped) or filiform (string-shaped). They are contagious and can easily be spread to other parts of the body.
Treatment for HPV Eye Warts
The two primary treatment methods for ridding the eyes of warts caused by HPV are cryosurgical removal (use of freezing agents) or excision (surgical removal).
Eye warts caused by HIV/AIDS are referred to as molluscum contagiosum. They present as raised, papule-shaped growths in the eye area and other body parts. Most often, they are treated by simple removal of the growth itself, often by cryosurgical remedies.
Herpes Virus (Zoster)
Warts around the eyes that are caused by the herpes virus are known as herpes zoster. They appear often as blisters and can be quite painful. They are treated with oral antiviral medications.
Expert Insight
As advised by the American Academy of Dermatologists, in cases of eye warts caused by a herpes zoster infection, swift treatment is crucial. Otherwise, glaucoma and blindness have been known to result.