Treatment for a Boil in the Underarm
Make a cornmeal paste to apply to the underarm boil by adding ground cornmeal to boiling water. Let the paste cool and apply it to the underarm boil. The paste will dry the boil. Do this every hour so that the cornmeal can draw the fluid out from the boil.
Salt a piece of bacon and use it to draw fluid from the underarm boil. Place the salted bacon in between two cloths and place it on the boil. Do this continuously throughout the day.
Cut an onion in half and place the raw side on the boil. Tie a cloth on the onion to secure it. Change the onion every few hours until all of the fluid is gone.
Slowly heat a cup of milk and add 3 tsp. of salt. Make sure to completely dissolve the salt. Simmer and add flour to thicken the mixture. Apply the mixture to the boil every 30 minutes.
Egg Whites
Cook a couple of whole eggs and peel them. Remove the yolk from the eggs. Wet the rest of the egg and apply it directly to the underarm boil. Secure the egg whites by tying a cloth to them and the boil. Change the egg whites every few hours until the fluid is gone.
Antibiotics and Laser Treatment
According to, though the main cause of an underarm boil is not infection, some people have benefited from antibiotics. Laser surgery is another good treatment for getting rid of boils in the underarm.