Plantar Wart Acid Removal
How It Works
Salicylic acid is a nonprescription, safe way to remove plantar warts. It comes in several forms for wart removal: as a paint, cream, patch or tape that you put directly on the wart. This treatment works to soften the skin layers of the wart and stimulates your immune system response that caused the wart. This is important because all warts are caused by the human papillomavirus virus (HPV). When your immune system is stimulated it heightens your body's ability to fight against the virus. This process may take several weeks to months to completely treat. You should seek medical attention if the wart worsens or spreads after beginning treatment.
How to Use
It is best to soak your wart in warm water before applying salicylic acid. This will help to soften and loosen up the layers of skin so that it is easier for the medication to penetrate through the layers of the wart. You should apply the acid treatment before going to bed and cover with a bandage or sock. You will than need to wash the medicine from the wart in the morning. It is important to note that the salicylic acid should only touch the affected area and not surrounding skin. As this remedy is repeated the acid will begin to loosen and soften the wart tissues which will allow it to be rubbed off easier. Some products will require that this treatment is used every 48 hours. It is best to read the instructions carefully for the exact directions.
When the skin becomes soft you should use a pumice stone or a file to remove the dead tissues. This can be done daily or every other day. It is important to dispose of the dead skin and filing method immediately because it will contain the living wart virus.
Side Effects
This treatment may cause irritation or damage to the surrounding skin. You should use a doughnut-shaped pad or bandage when applying this treatment to ensure that you are not damaging healthy skin tissues.