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How to Use Olive Oil to Remove Plantars Warts
A virus in the top layers of your skin triggers warts to form. They form a rough growth that is usually painless. Most warts are harmless, but plantars warts can cause some long-term problems. Plantars warts form on the bottom of the feet. They are usually rough, flat and tender. The tenderness eventually leads to problems with gait and posture. Fortunately, you can get rid of plantars warts with just a few items that you probably already have in the kitchen. Olive oil, for example, makes a good wart remedy.Things You'll Need
- Turmeric, carrots, baking soda or aspirin
- Bandages or duct tape
- Socks
Mix turmeric powder, baking soda, finely grated carrots or a crushed aspirin with olive oil to make a thick paste. Dab the paste onto the wart and cover it with a bandage or duct tape. Reapply the mixture twice a day.
Wear socks at night if you’re using turmeric or carrots. Both of these stain fabrics, so socks will protect your sheets.
Be patient. It can take three to six weeks of twice-daily treatments for these remedies to work.