Treatment for Facial Warts
Treating Warts at Home
Home treatments include over-the-counter salicylic acid solutions and taping a banana peel or piece of garlic over the wart overnight. Maximize benefit by placing a few drops of tea tree oil beforehand.
Medical Intervention
Certain procedures can remove stubborn warts including freezing, surgery and laser therapy. Certain drugs can stimulate immunity and stop growth.
Fighting the Virus
Cat’s claw (20 mg three times a day), reishi mushroom (300 mg three times a day), and olive leaf (500 mg three times a day) have antiviral properties. Talk to your doctor before using.
Enhancing Immunity
Keep your immune system strong; eat lots of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Avoid sugar, white flour foods and avoid or limit animal proteins.
Self-Care Tips
Avoid spreading warts; do not pick or touch the wart or shave near the wart, and wash your hands afterward if you touch it.