How to Cure Leg Warts
Warts can sometimes go away on their own, but other times they will remain. It is unknown why some warts disappear while others do not. Because warts can cause bleeding or pain when irritated, it's important to treat the warts on your leg as soon as you spot them, especially since they can spread to other parts of your body if touched.
Things You'll Need
- Tape or bandage
- Banana peel
- OTC wart remover
- Salicylic acid cream
Freeze off your warts with an OTC medication. Wart medications use cryogens (basically, extremely cold liquefied gases) to destroy damaged tissue. OTC medications used to freeze off warts use a cryogen known as dimethyl ether and propane, or DMEP. While OTC wart removers may not work as well as treatments you can get at the doctor's office--according to an in vitro study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, Volume 57, Issue 6, these medications do not get as cold as liquid nitrogen, making them less effective in comparison--sometimes they can freeze off certain types of viral warts.
Apply a cream or gel containing salicylic acid to the wart. You will need to apply the medication to your leg wart every day for several weeks. Because salicylic acid works better on damp skin, put the acid on your wart after taking a shower. Before reapplying the medication the following day, file away the surface of the wart with an emery board.
Put a banana peel on the leg wart and cover the banana with tape, so it stays on your skin. Leave the banana peel on the wart overnight. In the morning, remove the tape and banana peel from your leg and wash the area with soap and water. Dry the area, then file away the blackened surface of the wart. Repeat the process, taping a banana peel to your leg every night before going to bed. It will take a few weeks before the wart is completely gone.