Holistic Wart Removal
Know the Wart
Although warts are said to be caused by evil toads or poor hygiene, the truth is that warts are simply a growth of extra skin cells, and they can be removed in a variety of different ways. Although dermatologists offer freezing or other removal methods, these are usually expensive options. There are natural home remedies that have been quite successful in reducing or removing warts.
Accept the Acid
The wart's natural enemies are concentrated forms of acid. Some people have had positive results when they apply crushed vitamin C tablets or drops of grapefruit juice to a wart repeatedly over several days. After applying the citric acid, it is important to wrap the affected area in a bandage. Pineapple and papaya juices, which are also highly acidic, are effective as well.
Suffocate for Success
Although it is unconventional at best, some people have had success by denying the wart access to oxygen by covering it in duct tape. It is important not to apply the tape too tightly, because removal might cause the remaining wart to tear or bleed.
Kill It With Vinegar
If citric acid is not effective, it might be useful to try a home remedy that involves apple cider vinegar. At night before you to bed, take some petroleum jelly and cover the skin that is directly adjacent to the wart. This will protect the surrounding skin from the acidity of the vinegar. Soak a clean cotton ball in a small amount of the vinegar and apply the wet portion directly to the wart. Wrap the entire area up with medical tape so that the cotton ball won't move. Most people begin to see the warts decreasing in about two weeks with this method.
Over The Counter Remedies
If you're not motivated to make your own holistic wart remedy, you should know that there are several brands of natural, topical wart removers available in natural markets and health food stores. WartFree, by Verdia Organic Personal Care Products, and Heal Warts, by Natural Healing Oils, are two of the best-known brands.