I have an 8 month old and it looks like he has a small wart on his hand can babies as young this get warts how i treat it?
Here are some tips for treating warts in babies:
* Do not try to remove the wart yourself. This could spread the virus and make the warts worse.
* See your doctor. Your doctor can diagnose the wart and recommend the best treatment.
* Treatment options may include:
* Over-the-counter wart treatments. These treatments are available at most drugstores. They usually contain salicylic acid, which helps to remove the wart.
* Prescription medications. Your doctor may prescribe a stronger medication if the over-the-counter treatments don't work.
* Surgery. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the wart.
Here are some tips for preventing warts:
* Wash your hands frequently. This will help to remove any viruses that may be on your hands.
* Avoid touching warts. If you touch a wart, wash your hands immediately.
* Do not share towels, washcloths, or other items that have been used by someone with warts.
* Cover any cuts or breaks in the skin. This will help to prevent the virus from entering the skin.
If you have any questions about warts, talk to your doctor.