Effective Treatments for Wart Removal
Cryotherapy uses liquid nitrogen in spray form or dabbed onto the wart using a cotton swab. Warts may need multiple applications to eliminate. The nitrogen blisters the wart and causes the dead skin to shed away, though the process can take a week. This treatment is more suitable for adults and adolescents.
Salicylic Acid
Salicylic acid requires no prescription. Plantar warts use a 40 percent salicylic acid as treatment. Twice-a day-treatment is usual. The wart is then rubbed with a pumice stone to soften the skin. With this treatment, it may take weeks to completely remove the wart.
Duct Tape
Duct tape is a seemingly unconventional treatment for warts. Duct tape can be an effective treatment for warts. This common household tool is applied to the wart and usually left for a period of six days. After removal of the tape, soak the wart and rub it with a pumice stone. It can be used with salicylic acid to enhance the effect of the treatment.
Imiquimod, also called Aldara and Zyclara, comes in cream form. It is a systemic medication, and works to strengthen the body's immune system response to eliminate warts. Avoid having sex with the cream applied, since it may damage condoms.
Wash your hands frequently after touching warts and try to avoid touching other people's warts. Genital warts require different medication than common warts. The skin in the pubic region often stays moist. See a doctor if the wart becomes larger or painful.