The Best Home Treatment for Warts

Warts are small growths that occurs on the skin when the human papillomavirus, or HPV, infects the surface of the skin. Most warts are painless, but some can cause pain, itching and discomfort. Depending on the wart location, they can also be embarrassing. Physicians rely largely on freezing, cutting and burning to get rid of warts. These methods are often temporary and the wart grows back. Instead of depending on these invasive and often painful removal methods, consider using a home treatment probably already in your kitchen pantry, apple cider vinegar.
  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

    • Apple cider vinegar is a highly acclaimed, inexpensive and effective treatment for warts. Apple cider vinegar effectively removes warts because of its acidic content. The acid soaks deep into the root of the wart, which degrades the base and allows the wart to fall off. As the acid destroys the wart root, it usually turns black and then falls off. This process may take a few days or a few weeks, depending on the size of the wart.

    How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Remove Warts

    • To use apple cider vinegar to remove your wart, apply the vinegar to a piece of cotton. Place this cotton on your wart and secure it with an adhesive bandage. Replace the bandage and cotton ball daily or each time it falls off. If the wart is in a highly visible location, you may want to apply the cotton and bandage only at night. Continue this treatment until the wart, including the core, falls off. Do not attempt to peel the wart off or the core may remain in place.


    • Aside from apple cider vinegar, many other useful home treatments exist. Milkweed is a weed that is widespread across North America. Fresh milky sap can be squeezed from the leaf and stem and applied directly to the wart. Cover it with a bandage, and repeat this application at least twice daily.

    Tea Tree Oil

    • Tea tree essential oil possesses antiseptic, antiviral and antifungal properties. It works by drawing the wart out of the skin. Apply the oil directly to the wart two to three times daily. Dilute it with water if skin irritation occurs.

    Duct Tape

    • Surprisingly, even duct tape can be used to remove warts. Completely cover your wart with duct tape and leave it in place for six days. After six days, remove the tape and soak the wart in warm water. Scrub the wart with pumice stone and allow the area to dry. Afterward, apply another piece of duct tape and continue this process until the wart is completely removed.

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