Vitamin E Home Treatment for Warts
Vitamin E can be applied to warts in two different forms. Vitamin E oil can be swept over the area of the wart using a cotton swab. Another method is to puncture a Vitamin E capsule and squeeze the contents onto the wart. In both cases, the wart and surrounding area should be clean. Following the application, it should be covered with a sterile bandage.
As an antioxidant, Vitamin E has several natural, anti-inflammatory compounds which work to soothe and protect the skin. When used as a natural remedy for warts, it will generally not damage skin cells in the way that other methods of wart removal can, such as burning or scraping.
There are several different types of warts, some of which may require medical attention while others might disappear on their own. If Vitamin E treatments do not appear to have an effect after two weeks, other treatment options can be considered.