How to Get a Fish Fin Out of Your Finger
Things You'll Need
- Soap
- Towels
- Tweezers
- Small sewing needle
- Antiseptic
- Antibacterial ointment
- Adhesive bandage
Wash your hands thoroughly with hot water and soap. Rinse well and dry with a clean towel.
Wash a pair of tweezers and a small sewing needle well with hot water and soap. Rinse well and dry with a new clean towel.
Set the tweezers at an angle against the fish fin in your finger. If the tip of the fin pokes out, grab it with the tweezers and pull in a gentle, steady motion to remove.
Use the clean needle to gently lift up the skin at the point where the fin entered the finger if it does not poke out. Use the tweezers to gently push the fin up and out of the skin. You may need assistance with this step.
Clean the skin well with an antiseptic once the fin has been removed. Apply an antibacterial ointment to the area.
Cover with an adhesive bandage to keep the area clean. Clean, apply antibiotic ointment and re-cover the area at least once a day until the area thoroughly heals.