How to Prepare for Tattoos
Avoid drinking alcohol or taking any kind of pain medication for at least 24 hours before you get your tattoo. Alcohol and aspirin thin your blood, which may cause you to bleed more during the tattooing process.
Speak with a physician if you have any underlying medical conditions or are participating in medical treatments. Some people with certain conditions or who take prescription medication should not be tattooed.
Talk to your artist about what kind of ointment or lotion he or she uses, and purchase some for yourself. If you buy some ahead of time, you won't have to track any down once the tattoo is complete.
Eat according to your normal patterns and make sure to take a bathroom or smoke break before you begin your tattoo, especially if it's going to take several hours.
Wear comfortable clothes that will allow you to expose the tattoo area.
Take a shower the morning of your tattoo to ensure your skin is clean and refreshed and your artist doesn't have to deal with an oily, dirty canvas.