How to Do Wet-to-Dry Dressings
Things You'll Need
- Gauze bandages or pads
- Waterproof pad
- Saline solution
- Tape
- 2 Plastic bags
- 3 Pairs of clean gloves
- Scissors
- Thermometer
- Rubbing alcohol
Wet to Dry Dressing Change
Before assembling the equipment needed for the dressing change, you will need to need to make a clean work area. Wash your hands with soap and water before you begin. Disinfect the table or work area you will be using. If using scissors, clean them with soap and water and then alcohol before using. Place a clean plastic bag nearby to dispose of the old dressing and other materials. Gather the equipment. Write the date and time on a piece of tape and set aside. Wash your hands and put on clean or sterile gloves. Open the packages of gauze dressing, the waterproof pad, and saline solution. The number of gauze pads or gauze strips needed will depend on the size of the wound. Open the gauze pads and place several in a tray. Open the bottle of saline solution and saturate the gauze pads. Open one gauze pad and set it aside in its packing. Slightly moisten the pad with the saline solution. This pad will be used to moisten the old dressing if necessary.
Remove the old dressing noting the date and time the dressing was last changed. When removing the packing from inside the wound, pull gently at a right angle. The packing may stick slightly. If necessary, moisten the packing slightly with the moistened gauze pad that was set aside. Dispose of the packing and waterproof pad in the plastic bag.
Inspect the wound for a foul odor, pus, bleeding (a small amount of blood may be present), very dark or black tissue, an increase in wound size or depth, or for redness or swelling. These can be a sign of infection or that the wound is not healing. Inform the doctor if any of these signs are present or if the patient has a temperature over 100. Measure the wound if that is specified in the doctor's orders. Dispose of the gloves in the plastic bag.
Wash your hands with soap and water. Apply a new pair of gloves. Pick up the gauze pads and squeeze out the excess saline solution. Begin gently packing the wound. Do not over pack the wound. When the wound is packed, dry the area around the wound with a sterile gauze pad. Cover the area with a waterproof pad. Tape the waterproof dressing in place securely. Place the piece of tape with the date and time on the dressing. Dispose of gloves and other used materials in the plastic bag. Wash the working area. Wash any reusable equipment with soap and water and alcohol. Wash hands with soap and water.