How to Get Fiberglass Out of My Mouth
Keep your mouth open and don't swallow. Using a mirror, carefully remove the largest pieces of loose fiberglass with either tweezers or your fingers. Tweezers are safer if you have them available.
Remove as many small pieces of fiberglass as you can with tweezers or forceps for as long as you can tolerate keeping you mouth open and tongue out. If someone else is around you, get help. You need to remove as many pieces as possible as quickly and carefully as possible.
Carefully rinse your mouth with water, taking great care not to swallow. Spit out any loose pieces of fiberglass you can wash out. Do this as delicately as possible because in swishing around water, you risk lodging loose pieces of fiberglass in your cheeks, tongue and soft palate. You also can disturb and aggravate cuts with pieces of fiberglass still firmly lodged in them.
Go immediately to an emergency room or call 911. You need a professional to remove the pieces of fiberglass that are lodged in your tissues. You will likely also need medication such as antibiotics to prevent serious infection and possibly a tetanus shot. Do not attempt to remove pieces of lodged fiberglass yourself as you can cause further damage.