The Advantages of Cloth Bandages
Waste Management
Unlike adhesive, throwaway bandages, some cloth bandages can be washed, disinfected and used again. This is especially handy if you work in a field where cuts and bruises are a part of your daily routine. This particular benefit only applies to loose fabric bandages that are applied as a wrap; if you use pre-packaged adhesive cloth bandages the difference is negligible.
A well-wrapped cloth bandage is much more flexible than a synthetic adhesive bandage and will be more comfortable for a longer period of time. Cloth bandages can also deal with rougher wear than their non-cloth counterparts, though they may eventually begin to fray. Cloth bandages are also easier to remove and are less likely to cause pain as they are taken off.
One of the major downsides to any bandage is that it limits the natural airflow over your wound. Access to fresh air is an important part of the healing process. Cloth bandages keep your wound covered and free of dirt and debris but provide better airflow than their synthetic counterparts. A wound covered in a cloth bandage will have more access to clean air, which helps move the healing process along.
Cost Advantage
Fabric and cloth bandages are more expensive than plastic bandages upfront, but their increased flexibility, breathability and comfort mean that you are likely to use fewer bandages per injury. If your bandage can keep up with your lifestyle, you will not need to replace it three or four times a day. This means cloth bandages end up being cheaper in the end.