How to Recover From Slips and Falls
Make an appointment with your doctor. He will make sure you have not sustained any injuries. The doctor will check your medications and look for any that have dizziness as a side effect. He may recommend an appointment with an ophthalmologist or eye doctor.
Wear your splint or cast, if needed, according to the doctor's instructions. Use hot or cold packs and analgesic medication as directed.
A registered nurse may record your answers to "The Daily Falls Risk Assessment" test. Your answers will help the nurse determine whether you have low, medium or high risk of falling. This will help her tailor specific fall prevention treatment for you.
Keep your appointment with a physical or occupational therapist. These professionals will show you how to do simple exercises to help you heal from any injuries. They also may recommend exercises to improve your balance and teach you how to get up properly if you do fall. Tai chi, walking and strength training may be suggested.
Use properly fitting adaptive equipment, such as a walker or cane, as recommended by the physical or occupational therapist. Do not borrow this equipment from a friend or family member; it must be fit to your body. The therapist also may suggest sitting on a wedge, lowering your bed and elevating your toilet seat.
The physical therapist can analyze your home for hazards. He may suggest backing your throw rugs with non-slip grip matting or getting rid of them completely. Other recommendations may include fixing any loose carpet or flooring and keeping clutter picked up off the floor.
Get more than five hours of sleep every night. Women over 70 who get fewer than five hours of rest are more prone to falling, according to the Sept. 8, 2008, issue of the "Archives of Internal Medicine."