How to Fix Stretched Ear Lobes
Things You'll Need
- Light stud earrings
- Antimicrobial soap
- Rubbing alcohol
- Painkiller, if necessary
- Medical care, including surgery
Remove your earrings if your lobes are moderately stretched and replace them with the smallest studs you have that won't slip out. Or, don't wear any earrings at all. The holes will shrink down to a smaller size within six weeks.
Cleanse your earlobes with a gentle antimicrobial soap and apply rubbing alcohol if they are torn to protect them from infection. Also, if you experience pain, take acetaminophen or ibuprofen to alleviate it.
See a doctor immediately if your earlobes are torn, or if you have gauge piercings that you no longer want. He or she will recommend a plastic surgeon to you who can repair the damage your ears sustained.