How to Treat Swelling Nose Piercings
Things You'll Need
- Ice cubes
- Plastic bag
- Paper towels or old towel
- Anti-inflammatory over-the-counter medication
- Extra pillows
Fill a sealable plastic bag 1/3 to 1/2 full of ice cubes and seal it. Wrap paper towels or an old towel around the outside of the bag. Apply the ice to the swollen site for 10 to 20 minutes three times per day.
Take an anti-inflammatory medication, such as ibuprofen, as directed to reduce swelling and discomfort from the piercing.
Prop your head up on extra pillows while sleeping to keep the swelling at a minimum. Your head will need to be elevated above your legs. Avoid sleeping on your stomach or side because it could put pressure on your nose piercing.