How to Use Crutches to Go Up and Down Stairs
Up Stairs: Seated Method
Sit on a lower step, facing away from the steps. Arrange your crutches so that they are lying up and down the stairs, rather than across them. Slide both of your crutches as far up the stairs as you can reach and let go of them. The seated method necessitates moving your crutches up the stairs as you ascend, rather than using them to bear your weight.
Place your hands behind your back while sitting.
Transfer your weight to your hands and your weight-bearing foot.
Lift yourself up to the next highest step. Repeat this process for each step, moving your crutches further up the steps as you go.
Down Stairs: Seated Method
Sit down on the top of the stairs, feet dangling down the steps. Arrange your crutches so that they are lying in an up and down position on the stairs. Slide your crutches as far down on the steps as you can reach and let go of them.
Grasp the edge of the step on which you are sitting.
Transfer your weight to your hands. Place weight on your weight-bearing foot as well.
Lift yourself down to the next lowest step. Repeat this to continue down the stairs. Keep moving your crutches down more steps as you progress.
Up Stairs: Walking Method
Slide one crutch up the stairs as far as you can reach and let go of it. You only need to hold onto one of your crutches for this method. As you ascend, you must slide the crutch you are not holding further up the stairs.
Tuck the other crutch under your arm on the side of your injured leg. Grasp the handrail with your other hand.
Position your injured leg behind you. Keep it elevated.
Walk up the steps, leading with your weight-bearing foot. Slide the crutch you are not using further up the stairs as you progress.
Down Stairs: Walking Method
Slide one of your crutches down the stairs as far as you can manage and let go of it. Going down the stairs is similar to going up the stairs with the walking method. You must continue to slide the crutch that you are not holding further down the stairs as you descend.
Place your other crutch under your arm. It should be on the same side as your injured leg.
Hold the handrail with your other hand.
Position your injured leg in front of you, not behind you. Keep it elevated.
Lower yourself down each step, using your weight-bearing foot and the handrail and crutch for balance.