California Code of Regulations Title 8 Section 9792.24.3

California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 9792.24.3 is part of the state workers' compensation laws. Section 9792.23.3 deals with postsurgical treatment. The regulation defines the postsurgical recovery and rehabilitation times and allowable number of compensated visits for common, work-related surgeries.
  1. General Applications

    • Paragraph (b) states the guidelines of this section apply only to office visits and treatments for surgical aftercare and rehabilitation. Furthermore, the guidelines only apply to the medical conditions listed in paragraph (d). All other surgeries have a presumptive, postsurgical, medicine period of six months.

    Patient Management

    • The regulation is explicit about caregivers. Paragraph (c) states that only the surgeon, physician designated by the surgeon, nurse practitioner or physician assistant under the supervision of the surgeon can make determinations of medical necessity and prescribe postsurgical treatment. The patient cannot independently choose another caregiver or course of treatment without a referral from the surgeon.

    Covered Conditions

    • This regulation is not intended to include all possible, work-related surgeries. Paragraph (d) was adapted from the Official Disability Guidelines with additions by the Division of Workers' Compensation. All requests for postsurgical treatment not included in this section are covered in Section 9792.21(c). Section 9792.24.3 covers common surgeries resulting from injuries to the foot, ankle, wrist, hand, elbow, upper arm, head, pelvis, knee, back and shoulders. The type of injuries and surgeries covered is comprehensive, ranging from simple sprains to burns and amputations.

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