How to Wrap an Elastic Bandage for Thigh Compression
Things You'll Need
- Heel block
- 6-inch elastic bandage
- Elastic tape
- Scissors
- Trainer's tape
Place the heel block on the floor and have the patient stand on top of it with the injured leg. The patient's toes should touch the floor while his heel rests on the block.
Hold the bandage horizontally. Place the bandage against the front of the patient's thigh, just above the knee.
Wrap the bandage around the right side of the thigh until the bandage overlaps the starting point. The bandage should travel behind the patient's leg and come up next to the left side of the leg. Continue wrapping the bandage around the leg in a clockwise motion, wrapping up the thigh and then down the thigh until you get to the end of the bandage.
Wrap elastic tape around the edge of the loose end of the bandage. The tape should wrap all around the leg four times along the edge of the bandage. Cut off the tape with scissors when you are done wrapping.
Rip a strip of trainer's tape to secure the ends of the elastic tape. The tape should go across only the front half of the patient's leg.
Put another length of trainer's tape, about 2 inches, just below the knee along the front of the patient's knee.