The NYS EMS Protocol
Each state oversees EMS protocol. You can choose to join a national registry, but if you reside in New York, the New York Department of Health will ultimately call the shots on what is acceptable care in that state. Certifications and licenses also are issued by the New York Department of Health for such EMS professions as emergency medical technician basic and advanced emergency medical technician.
The New York Department of Health publishes a complete list of EMS protocols on its website. The informational packet details how to handle each emergency as well as provide a general outline for the EMT or AEMT. Basic items include sizing up the scene, body substance isolation precautions, initial assessment, forming an impression, determining priority patients, and managing the airway and other life-threatening conditions.
Following Medical Direction
According to the New York State Department of Health, its protocols are "not intended to be absolute and ultimate treatment doctrines." They are intended to be used as a guide and an EMT or AEMT should get medical advice if he has a situation he is unsure of how to address.