How to Make Triangle Bandages

Triangle bandages come standard in most first aid kits and can be used many different ways to treat various injuries. Even if you don't have a premade triangle bandage, you can make one from nearly any piece of clean cloth. Use a sterile, manufactured cloth whenever possible to prevent the risk of infection. Triangle bandages can be used to wrap wounds and act as a sling.

Things You'll Need

  • Cloth
  • Scissors
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    • 1

      Stretch out the piece of fabric. If you don't have a sheet of fabric or gauze, use a shirt, piece of drapery, jeans or sheets in emergencies.

    • 2

      Cut the fabric into a square of roughly 3 feet by 3 feet, unless the wound is very small. Then cut the square in half along the diagonal axis to make two triangles.

    • 3

      Sterilize the bandages in boiling water or, in a pinch, by soaking it in hydrogen peroxide or another disinfectant to prevent the risk of infection. Let dry.

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