How Should a Bursted Vein Be Treated?
Bursted, bashed and broken veins are painful and more often then not leave unsightly bruises. These purple splotches are worn like badges of honor by some, but most of us just want them to go away. Here are some pointers for the bruised and battered.-
A bursted vein, or bruise, can be caused any number of ways including playing sports, accidents, fighting, horseplay, or slipping and falling. Anyone taking blood-thinners like aspirin will be more susceptible to bruising.
There are three type of bruises. Subcutaneous bruises occur just beneath the skin. Intramuscular bruises are deeper and usually affect the muscle underlying the skin. The third type is a periosteal bruise. It affects blood vessels and the outer layer of bone known as the cortex. These bruises break fibers off the cortex and generally require an X-ray to rule out a fracture.
Applying ice to the bruise will reduce swelling. Make sure to wrap the ice in a towel to keep it from making direct contact with the skin. Elevating the affected area above the heart will reduce the amount of blood that will pool into the tissue. Lastly, take it easy and make sure the bruised part of your body isn't overworked.