How to Get Rid of Water Blisters
Things You'll Need
- Antibacterial soap
- Aloe vera
- Ice
- Gauze pads or corn pads
- Antibiotic cream or ointment
Fill a tub or clean basin with warm water. Do not make it too hot or cold. Lower the part of the body with the blister into the water. Add some antibacterial soap and swirl it around the water. Soak for 15 minutes. Rinse and allow to air dry. Apply a thin layer of aloe to the area.
Place ice on a burned area of your body as soon as it happens. Ice causes the small blood vessels to contract and inhibits the flow of blood to the area where the ice is being held. This in turn can help reduce swelling and pain.
Cover areas that have blisters with gauze or use corn pads if the blister is on the foot or toes. Do not place the sticky part over the blister. You do not want any additional friction on the blister so cover it whenever it will come into contact with clothing or anything else that might rub.
Use any antibiotic cream such as Bacitracin or Neosporin. Never pop a blister or stick a pin in it. This can add to the chances of getting infected.
Avoid getting blisters by using commonsense precautions. Use oven mitts when moving items in or out of the oven or off the stove. Use a sunblock with an SPF of 15 and reapply it every hour when you are outdoors.
Have your shoes fitted when you are buying new shoes. Ill-fitting shoes can cause friction which causes blisters. Wear socks or stockings with shoes so that your foot is not in direct contact with the shoe.
Have undergarments that are not too tight under the breast or around the top of the thighs. Not only is this uncomfortable, but they are very unpleasant places to have blisters.