How to Clear the Cervical Spine

The cervical spine is the top portion of the spine. It is composed of seven vertebrae and eight cranial nerves. The cervical spine supports the head and facilitates head and neck movement. The vertebrae of the cervical spine are smaller in comparison to the vertebrae that compose the rest of the spine. This leaves them vulnerable to injury. The cervical nerves are control the head neck, arms, and the movement of the diaphragm. Because of the importance of the nerves in the cervical spine many precautions must be taken when there is an injury suspected to this area. The spine should be immobilized until it is cleared of injury after a thorough exam.


    • 1

      Assess the patient's mental status. This is done by asking four simple questions. What is your name? Do you know what day of the week it is? Do you know where you are? Who is the president? These questions can be changed slightly according to your preference. The key is to determine if the patient is oriented to person, place, time and and event. Record any deficits that you find including incorrect answers, slurred speech, or confusion.

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      Examine the pupils. Shine a pen light into the eye for two seconds. Pull the light away and then shine the light back into the eye. Watch how the pupil reacts to light. Both pupils should constrict equally and responsively. Make a note of the size of the pupils in millimeters and the speed at which the pupils constrict.

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      Conduct a neurological exam. Ask the patient to squeeze your hands and wiggle their toes. Determine if the patient is experiencing any numbness or tingling in any extremities.

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      Palpate the spine for any tenderness. Inspect the back and neck for any bruising or swelling.

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      Take the patient to get a spinal CT scan. If the scan does not show any fractures the patients cervical spine can be declared clear. If there is any cloudiness or areas that are not clear you may need to follow up with a spine specialist before clearing the neck.

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