How do You Know if You Have Gall Bladder Stones?
Gall stones, which are crystallized stones made out of cholesterol, bile salt and bilirubin, are caused by an imbalance of bile. The buildup causes solid stones that travel from your chest and stomach to your intestines. Figuring out if you have gallstones is dependent on patience and paying attention to your body. Learning how to figure out if you have gall bladder stones can assist you in finding the source of your pain and visiting a doctor to solve a potentially dangerous problem.Instructions
Locate the source of your pain. Gall bladder stones cause pain on the right side of your chest or shoulder blade. This pain is cause by the stones in your bile ducts.
Rub the right side of your stomach for pain. The gall stones rub against the inside lining of your stomach to cause a tender, yet sharp pain that could result into you not being able to walk.
Check your breathing patterns. Gallstones can hurt so much that breathing can become painful. Monitor your inhaling and exhaling and make note of how often you are having sharp pains.
Observe any abnormal nausea, vomiting, gas or queasiness. With the irritation to your stomach, your stomach can become upset and start abnormal vomiting or diarrhea.