Proper Use of Crutches
Proper measurement of the crutches is important for less strain to the body. The top end of the crutch should be two inches away from the armpit. The ideal length of the crutch from top to bottom must be from the length two inches below the armpit to about six inches in front of the foot.
Lean the crutches about a foot away. Keep the body weight on the weight-bearing foot when standing. To walk, adjust the body weight to the crutches and swing the affected foot forward. Use both the arms and the weight-bearing foot to support the body when walking so as not to strain muscles.
Stand with the back in front of a chair. Use the weight-bearing foot to balance and put both of the crutches in one hand. Slowly use the other hand to feel the seat and lower down to sit. Adjust body weight on the chair using the weight-bearing foot. Put the crutches on the side to avoid tripping.