How Do I Make My Belly Button Ring Uninfected?
Do not remove your belly button ring if your navel piercing is infected. Removing the jewelry from an infected piercing can prevent fluid from draining and cause an infected abscess, according to the Body Piercing Guide website.
Proper cleaning is essential to fighting off infection in a navel, or any piercing. The TresSugar website recommends cleaning the piercing twice a day with a mild, non-scented antibacterial soap. Rinse with clean water and pat dry with a clean cotton ball or sheet of sterile gauze.
Soaking your navel piercing in sterile saline solution once a day can speed the healing processes. The APP website recommends using a packaged, additive-free saline solution, or creating a solution by dissolving 1/4 tsp. non-iodized salt in 8 oz. of warm distilled water. TresSugar suggests soaking the infected piercing once a day for five minutes.
Don't touch the piercing unless you are cleaning it, always wash your hands before cleaning or soaking the piercing and prevent clothing from rubbing against your navel area. The AAP recommends covering the area with a hard, vented eye patch or a cloth bandage when wearing tight clothing, exercising or participating in sports.
See a doctor or piercing professional if your infection is severe or persists for more than a day or two without improving. Untreated infections can spread, leading to further complications, according to
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