How to Tape Up a Finger
Things You'll Need
- Plain sterile gauze
- Non-stick sterile gauze pad ("burn" pad)
- Medical white tape
- Scissors
- Towel
- Ice
Cut Fingers
Clean deep finger cuts under running water, and apply pressure to stop excessive bleeding. If the edges of the wound are gaping, you may need stitches and should see a physician.
Pat the hand dry, while still applying pressure to the cut. After 5-7 minutes check the cut--if the wound is holding together and bleeding has slowed, proceed with bandaging the finger.
Fold a ¼-inch thick gauze pad in half---making it thicker---and press over the cut so it holds the cut closed. Tape the pad down at the top and bottom of the gauze. Tape all the way around the finger horizontally. Cut two pieces of tape, 4-5 inches long (twice as long as the injured digit). Place the middle of each piece of tape at the top of the injured finger and drape down all sides of the finger, crossing the previously laid gauze and horizontal strips of tape, and press down. Place more horizontal strips of tape around the finger until all the gauze is covered and securely anchored.
Broken Fingers
A broken finger should be immobilized. Find a straight object like a popsicle stick, pencil or pen and place along the finger in the most comfortable position as possible.
Tape around both the object and the finger, above and below the injury.
Protect the hand with a towel or cloth and hold an ice pack against the injury to reduce swelling until a physician can be seen.
Hold a burned finger under cold running water to numb it.
Cover a first or second degree burn with antibiotic cream and a nonstick sterile gauze pad.
Apply tape horizontally around the pad and finger, above and below the burn. Tape the sides of the pad to the finger to prevent introduction of dirt and the possibility of infection.